Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Following the development strategy
The company “Stroy-Zakazchik” does not stand still and expands the area of its facilities every year. For this day, contracts for construction supervision and customer functions have been signed at many facilities:
1) Second phase of the Plant for the production of thermal insulation materials;
2) Dairy farm for 1190 forage cows (Sinara Group);
3) repair of apartment buildings under 185 federal law in the Kamensk-Uralsky city;
4) Residential complex on Aluminivaya-Suvorova streets (4 multi-storey houses, kindergarten).
A number of other less significant objects.
Our company and our team are always happy to work with new partners and never forget those we have already worked. The main thing for us in our work is the trust of our Clients.